Have a question about iPhones?

IPhones have always been expensive for the most part especially today 600$+ iPhones have been around 12 years just about has time just caught up and people r willing to pay several hundreds for a cell phone cause it replaces the need for simple tasks you would before use a laptop / desktop and that their as essential as your Wallet and keys? I iPhones are not the only smartphones but as far as why people are More willing to pay more now then the earlier yearsa 2007 to maybe 2012 is that cause it's just a norm and people aren't afraid cause before then you would have your flip phone and a lot of us knew cell phones to be cheap I had mine for 0$ mail and rebate but in general post 2007 a lot of people have flip phones under 100$.

There's no question, just a lot of nonsense.

So what's your question? Did you just feel the need to rant about how expensive phones are?

We're getting the feeling you resent iPhones, because that leaves you less money to refill your drugs.

You composed this on your phone, right? Try using some punctuation and correct spelling so we can understand you. People pay a lot for cars, too, because the benefits they are provide are worth a lot of money to the purchaser. It's almost necessary to have a smart phone these days because you show your tickets to events on it, call Uber on it, and so on.

I had a $60 android smart phone that was always problematic. The touch screen was erratic, the advertising was relentless and the speakers were weak. Of course I could use earbuds, but it was an extra piece of equipment to carry around. It ran the Jellybean OS and couldn't be updated.
I imagine more expensive Android phones have better screens and better speakers, but I think all of them are plagued with advertising. I love my new iPhone, even if I have to pay more per month for it.