Have you ever tried flirting with Siri?

For iPhone users.
Admit it.
Do yourself a favor and ask what she's wearing.

Added (1). My conversation wit Siri:

Me: Take off your clothes.
Siri: I found 6 clothing stores. 3 of them are fairly close to you.

What a tease.

Hmm… No never.

On my mini iPad, will Hope put out tonight

I'm straight and I'm female.No.

Lol, yes: P I used to ask her if she could marry me but then she'd ay "I'm sorry, my end and user liscence does not cover marriage".

Actually, I have… And I don't even own an iPhone. That's right--I stole my sister's just to to flirt with Siri. That didn't make me feel any less lonely though. All it did was make me want to smash an expensive phone.

Hi, Miss Hope!

Don't have a Siri but if I wanted to flirt with a female it would be my contacts. Not an iPhone.