Having an iPod touch and iPhone?

My contract is up for a new phone and i really want a smartphone. I just purchased a new iPod touch in March of this year and I'm thinking of getting an iPhone maybe. Is it foolish having both an iPod touch and iPhone? At first i wanted an android, but now since the 4S is cheaper, i'm thinking of doing that.

What do you think? Get a cheaper smart phone thats just as good or have both an iPhone and iPod touch?

I have the IPhone 5 and i'm very impressed with it. They only suggest androids if you are a tech saavy person. I would try selling the Ipod and geting the new IPhone

I have an iPhone 5 and a 2nd Gen iPod Touch. My point of view on it is you can have the iPod for your whole life but phones come and go.iPods depreciate now more than the past with all the new technology now in phones so I would say keep it if you we're to get the 4s. I say but the 4s but not the 4. If you can get the 5 it's pretty sick haha. Hope this helped.

I would go for the Android. Only reason is because the iPhone is the iPod with phone capabilities so it's kinda ridiculous if you know what I'm saying. You might as well experience both sides of the rivalries (Droid Vs iPhone). I have an ipod and I'm going to get the S3 soon so best of luck to you~!

No it's not foolish. But if you're getting a 4s, then there won't be much difference.
I got an iPod touch about 2 years ago and I recently got an iPhone 5.
I love how the screen is bigger and now when I go back to my iPod, the screens feels too small.
But it's always nice knowing I have a (sorta) backup.

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