He still hasn't replied to me?

Long story short I met a guy online July 1st. I have NEVER given my number out but I gave him mine. (We were on omegle video so he's not some 80 year old man) We texted for 2 weeks and he seemed very interested in talking to me. Usually he would text first. One night we were talking normal and he just never replied. He says sorry when he can't text back right away. It's been a month without a reply. I texted him twice after, 1st asking if everything was ok & a 2nd time 2-3 weeks after the first just asking if I did or said anything to make him ignore me. No reply. I'm over it since we don't know each other in person but why would he not reply in a month! He doesn't have social media because he doesn't have an iPhone so there's really no other way to contact him. I did give him my Skype (he doesn't have one but said I was worth making one). He seemed really nice & I would love to be friends with him still. He did get his phone taken away once when we talked for back talking to him mom but I don't think a 17 year old would get his phone taken away for a month. He just never seemed like the type to just ignore someone because when he got his phone taken away I texted him "hey!" And he replied saying he was sorry since his phone was taken away an that he didn't want me to feel like *** and leave me hanging.

If you've never met this guy, maybe he's an *** hole and found somebody else. Or maybe he felt that whatever spark you had fizzled out. If this is the case, then he's simply not worth your time - you can make other friends.
Maybe he's lost his phone in which case there's nothing you can do. After a month, I wouldn't hold out much hope but I think you definitely shouldn't text him any more, just try and move on with yout life and consider it a bonus only, and don't expect, a reply.

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