Headphones won't work on iPhone?
I just got this iPhone 2 weeks ago after not having a phone for 2 years…
Anyways, this is the third pair of headphones I've gone through within that time and I can't listen to music with them without it shutting off… Like, I have to push it down with my fingers for the music to stay through the headphones and its getting so freaking annoying… I mean, I just gotten this phone and I've protected it and all… Lol I mean there's nothing wrong with the phone, just the earphone thingy…
Is there a way that I can solve this problem, myself?
Only one way but that involes cutting wires and saweder and not worth the time
- Why don't my iPhone headphones with mic work with my Mac? When I plug my headphones in, they work fine. The remote works too. I just can't get the mic to work. System Preferences doesn't detect them, and I can't set them up with Audio MIDI Setup. They work perfectly on my iPhone, but not my Mac. I know they work with Mac's, because I have seen people state on the Apple website that they do. I need help! MacBook Pro 13 inch (Early 2011) Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4
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- My headphones won't work in my iphone 4s? I put my head sets in my iphone to watch a video and they won't work, I took them out and the sounds fine on my iphone. My head sets were tangeled so I Untangled then and that was not the problem. I wiped the end of the head see were you plug it in and it won't work. It use to only put sound on one side of the head set and the other mute. Do you think there something wrong?
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