Fake scam won't go away on my iPhone

I can't even get on some websites because it automatically changes the site to the fake virus scam! What do I do? I've cleared my web and cookies but it still shows up on safari? It's ******* irritating

It's scam rebuke it

How i got rid of mine go to settings > safari> clear website data button. Then go to your home screen double tap the home menu button and slide up on the safari page to close it down. Then restart your phone and you're good. **Make sure to clear cache too

To remove any malicious redirects, follow these steps:

Check your browser add-ons for any suspicious ones, if found, remove them.

Check your running apps and kill any unrecognized ones.

Uninstall any applications you do not recognize

Install Malwarebytes on your phone and do a full scan with it.

That should clean up a majority of the malicious intents. Let me know if this helps!

You have to clear your internet history, then it will go away. Make sure the app is closed when you do it.

You need to do a factory reset on your phone. Before you do this, back it up to the cloud or your computer as doing a reset will delete all of your photos, music, apps, etc
If that still doesn't work, take it to the Genius Bar