Help me choose an iPhone? Get a 7 or 8 and wait for 2020 for a huge upgrade?
Hi y'all I'm entering college soon and I need to get a new phone. Currently I have an iPhone 6s with a home button that doesn't work, a camera that barley works, and a screen that's starting to pop off. Finally time for an upgrade. With the introduction of the new iPhone I kind of want to upgrade. Everyone says it's not worth the upgrade from the ten to the new but it would be a huge upgrade from my 6s. However there's supposedly a huge redesign coming in 2020. So my question is should I just get like a cheap 7 or 8 and wait a year to get the complete redesign or just get the new one?
If you can only afford the 7 or 8 you would be much better off just taking your iPhone 6S to a local cell phone repair shop and getting it fixed. The iPhone 6S is very inexpensive to repair. Otherwise if you get a new iPhone, only consider the iPhone XR or iPhone 11. The iPhone 7 and 8 are just overpriced iPhone 6S's, with the old iPhone 6 design.
The basic iphone 11 is $1000. Since you're just starting college, you are bound to have unexpected expenses. Buy a cheap one or get the one you have fixed. Then by next year when the new fancy one you really want comes out, get it.
Getting a new phone is like getting a new car. As soon as it walks out the store / off the lot, it's value depcriciates. I had a iPhone 6, which was still working fine when i upgraded it last year and got a Xs. You don't NEED to upgrade your phone every year. Only when yours breaks down and you can't use it to your needs is when you should upgrade.
if you really want the thumbprint sensor, then just get the 8. There's not much price point difference, and it'll have a better shelf life for new OS updates years to come. Honestly though, i have the Xs and love it. The Face ID is not much different getting used to from the home button at all, and more reliable as well. Just look down and swipe up.
if you can find a good price, get the Xr. That's a more price friendly phone and still has a lot of the great features the Xs has. With the 11 out, the Xs is being taken off the market. So you will need to look at third party stores like best buy or amazon to find them.
the iPhone 11 64 GB is starting at $699. If you stream everything, music and videos, don't store a lot of apps or photos, that may be enough for you. Otherwise, go one up more to the 128 GB and that should be plenty. That's what I have and still have a ton of storage still. And I have some shows and movies stored on my phone. But i stream all my music and for offline listening too.
iPhone Xr is $599 for 64 GB, or $649 for 128 GB.
I have 6s+ and it still works like day I bought it, but I don't ever drop it.
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