Help me fix my iphone? It's acting strange, it stops playing my audio when I walk. Randomly starts/stops?

When I play podcasts it starts and stops on its own. It seems to stop randomly while I'm walking. When I'm on calls it keeps hanging up while I'm in the middle of talking.

Voice control pops up. I've had to disable siri because it kept popping up, but I have to enable it if I want to connect it to my car down the line. It keeps popping the voice control thing up, honestly not sure why it's so frustrating.

It sounds like your phone has serious problems. Probably damage to the circuit board.

If you use headphones or the like,
disconnect them and see if the phone acts like it should.

There have been a number of questions here lately
about phones and other music players acting up,
and while I have not seen it happen in person,
I believe the main cause is headphone plugs that aren't making good contact with the jack
and/or cables that have broken wires.

Of course there are other possible causes,
and you may need to have a phone repair specialist investigate it.
