To not go over internet usage on iPhone 3gs?

Ok so I still have about 15 days until it starts over & I'm already at 90%! I keep checking to see how much internet data I have used and the number keeps going up but I'm not even using the internet! So what else uses up the internet data? & what can I do to stop it? Also what does enabling 3g do because right now that is on so should I turn it off? And what about cellular data which is also on?

Set fire to your modem and hide in the bathroom

Go into Settings<General<Network<Cellular Data<Switch to off. You shouldn't use any more data then. Apps & Safari use data. Also turn off Location Services if it is on. Basically everything on the iPhone uses data. Until your days turn over strictly use Wi-Fi and turn off everything that envolves data including data roaming and enabling 3G.

Turn it off and you can't use any. Applications in the background sometimes use the data network…

Turn the data network off when you arent using the internet.

Also depending on which network you are on you can get an app that tells you what minutes, data and texts you have left. I know O2 has one.

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