How can I convince my parents to let me have a phone?

I'm twelve and I've been trying to convince my parents to let me have a phone for the many reasons it's very important.

So I started photography, and as you may know you can't easily carry a camera around your neck all day, waiting for the perfect shot. Having a camera on a phones could be a way I could capture perfect moments without having to switch a ton of gears and wait for it to focus, which can be never on my camera.
I also have no form of social life outside of school, and the only time I can communicate with my friends is in the halls, for about 30 seconds a pop. I want to be able to actually have a couple good friends by the time I go into high school. And it's another way for me to communicate with my parents anytime, or any other family member I don't see that often, or at all.
I've started doing things like band and some math club my teacher pressured me into joining, so if something is cancelled I don't have any way of telling my mom or dad they don't have to pick me up unless I borrow a teacher's phone, which is kind of awkward. And if I ever need to know anything, a phone is there. Our school has chromebooks, but they're big and bulky and half of the websites I need to go on are restricted.

I'm not asking for an iPhone X, but having some form of smartphone would be great for a whole lot of reasons. But my parents won't give in, no matter what. Any advice on how I can have them change there mind?

The camera argument won't work. There are lots of compact point and shoot cameras that can easily fit into a pocket.

It isn't the worst idea for a kid to have a phone so parents can keep track of them and to help kids stay safe.

I would definitely mix that into your argument.

You seem smarter than your parents.
Well you may not get the phone, but don't get rid of that individualism and free thought.

People are idiots. You seem smart.

Go missing for 3 days and fake your own death, leave a note saying that this wouldn't of happened had you had a phone to contact someone in an emergency.
Then gain superpowers and save the world.
That'll show em.

Due to how apps like Instagram snapchat and Facebook is over sexualized and Will easily provoke your developing mind in a way it shouldnt I agree with your parents and you should wait until they say its ok for you to get one. Their many weird people out on these social sites aswell that wouldnt want the best for you either, go for a simple phone just so you can call and text your parents. Thats enough for your age.

Maybe you can bribe them into letting you have one