How can I get my iPhone 6s+ off blacklisted?

I bought a iPhone 6s+ from a friend. It was unlocked & all. But once I tryed to put my service on the phone. I was told it was stolen & on the black list. The carrier of the phone is Metro PCS. So how can I get my iPhone 6s + off the blacklist with a Metro PCS carrier

You can't. Only the owner who had it blacklisted can do that.

Did it work for your friend when he/she had it? Then they're the ones who have to do this.

Lesson learned - if you buy a used phone, make sure it works before you hand over the cash.

The original owner is the only person that can legally get it unblacklisted. There are some IMEI unlock services on ebay but it's highly likely that these services are illegal and definitely in violation of ebay's TOU policy and can cause your account to be banned.

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