How to have my own Wi-Fi in my dorm?

My dorm only provides a Ethernet port on my wall which I could connect to my MacBook but I'd like to also connect my Xbox and not use up all my data on my iPhone. So is there something I can buy that will let me have Wi-Fi
In my room to connect all of my gadgets to. I'm not to smart about tech stuff.
I'm assuming that I can't buy a Wi-Fi router since there's no cable modem, right?

Just get a router… Plug the router into the wall port, plug your devices into the router. Routers don't have to be connected directly to a modem. They just have to be connected to a live internet connection.

Yes its called an Access Point. Or i like to call them Wireless Switches.

Access Points take a ethernet port and extends it to a Wireless Access Point… Meaning 20 devices can share that one ethernet port Wirelessly.

SORRY BUT ROUTER TO ROUTER WON't WORK AS MANY SERVICES COLLIDE LIKE DHCP AND DNS… Unless you turn these services off the second router it will work turning your router into an Access Points, for for that… Just get an Access Port.

Best talk to the IT department about a router. I was in college for a bit and the IT support were on strike. No wireless but we could use the wall ports. A few tried to use routers but they were shut down

You will never have your "own" wi-fi in a dorm room.
People trying to use your wi-fi will slow it down, more than the people that actually succeed.
Wi-Fi routers DO NOT need any modem.
You can plug different devices into the Ethernet port for wi-fi access.
- Linksys 1200 [wireless + wired]
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