How to make my laptop go wireless?
I recently purchased a net gear router and have been having problems installing it. The Internet works fine on my iPad and iPhone but when I start up my laptop and attempt to connect wirelessly it will connect but says I have no internet access. The only way I can get my laptop to go online is to connect to router via Ethernet cable. I also received messages that said setting on router do not match laptop when trying to go wireless. I've looked all through the set up site of the router and can still not figure it out. How can I get my laptop online without having to connect to router wIthout using Ethernet cable?
At the left side of your laptop you need to press the word ON so that you can connect to your Wi-Fi… Thats it walah!
Every router has its own settings. These settings are saved in web pages to get these setting just type your router's internet protocol (ip) address in your internet browser's address bar but should be offline. I recommend when you connect your router to access these settings please connect via Ethernet. One more thing when enter in settings it will ask you to type user name and password. You will find this in your router's user manual. In this settings type your computers physical address. I hope, this my try to help you will succeed to get you internet via wireless.
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