How can I tell if my Iphone is hacked?
How can I tell if my Iphone is hacked?
Just ask siri if your phone is hacked.
- What can I do if my iPhone is hacked and keeps sending international text messages? My iPhone has been sending out international texts. Is it hacked? Also I jailbroke my phone. I'm using Tmobile( doesn't support iPhone) So does anyone know how to fix it?
- I had an iphone 4s stolen can it be hacked? It was updated with the iOS 6 software and had a hard 4 letter passcode to hack. All the websites say you can't hack the iphone 4s. My mom called the phone twice and the person responded over text "I can't talk right now… Call you later." Again the password wasn't something simple like 1234 or anything anyone would know about me like my birthday or year I was born. My family was the only one who knew my password as well. How did they get into my phone?
- How to tell if my iPhone is hacked and how can I kick them out if so? Sometimes I hear random "crowd" noises in the background of my phone and it creeps the hell out of me. It sounds like a lot of people talking and I've heard it more than once. I was texting my friend and no apps were in the background. Is it certain my phone is hacked? And if so, can I kick them off my phone?
- Can my iphone 5s be hacked by text? Received a text with: BEGIN: VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:;TEL;CELL: END: VCARD It had my name and phone number in there too? Any ideas what on earth this is? Much appreciated!