How to backup text messages from my iphone?

So like 3 days ago (i think) my phone got messed up, says there's no sim card, &&: it started turning on &&; off, so i took it to the store to get it fixed &&: they said they would have to delete everything. I have all pictures/videos saved already, but how do i back up my text messages?
&&: i connected my phone to itunes so i could back it up but how do i know if it backed up?-.
so if anyone could help thanks ( :

Added (1). Mmm i know that there's a way just i don't know how to do it, the people at the phones store said i could backup my pictures/videos, text, &&; contacts but never told me how.-.

Added (2). &&: the conversation is long for me too take snapshots -.

As far as I know, you can't do that. If you want to save a specific conversation, just screen shot it and upload the photo to your computer.