How to Fix my iphone if it says Activation Required?
My Iphone randomly wouldn't Turn on and after i plugged it into a wall outlet charger it goes on.
And when it goes on the home screen says "Activation Required" and when i slide it through
it ask me to activate or deactivate the locations app and then it tells me to connect to iTunes
Once i try to unplug it from the wall to put it in my computer my iPhone shuts down
It won't turn on when its plugged into a USB outlet in my computer
it only will turn on into a wall outlet
It says activation required
happened randomly [I did drop my phone before though]
How do i get it to at least turn on without a charger or when its connected to a computer
There's no water damage and i usually charge it when it gets like under 40 percent left i rarely let it die.
So what is wrong with this phone any suggestions or answers please help
{it's an iphone4 btw}
Something could have happened when you droped it. Try takeing it in to your carrior and see it might need to be reactivated or you might have messed up the cpomputer chips and stuff inside the phone and it might need to be replace.
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