How to know if my iphone is water damaged?
I sat in the hottub last night with my iphone tucked into my swim top. We put it in rice just incase but neither of the moisture indicators are red. There's a little bit of condensation in the flash sensor but thats all that looks like it its wet. Is there a way I can check to see if it is actually wet on the inside?
Open it up with screw driver… Depending on what version you have… Just remove the backcover and see
- Water damaged iphone (insurance claim)? I filed a claim with Asurion through verizon, I was required to pay 169$ for a replacement phone. the problem is that troubles me is that the only problem with the phone is that after it dropped in the water, the screen has a drip mark that won't go away, it won't turn off and there are some tones that don't play.other than that it works fine. what I'm asking is if the claim is still legitamate. It's still noticeable damage, but is it claim worthy noticeable damage?
- Water damaged IPhone 4s. Is there hope? Today I idiotically fell into a pool with my iPhone in my pocket. It was submerged for about three seconds and afterward there was no display but it would still vibrate at messages and calls. I shook the water out of it immediately but I couldn't get it in rice for about 20 mins. I took out thr sim card and managed to turn off my phone and I'll let it sit in the rice for 24-48 hours. Is this just a lost cause or is there actually hope in me reviving my "child"
- Water damaged iPhone 4g? - 2 So my iphone was on a table by a pool and people splashed on it and it sorta got soaked, its working a little but when you shut it off it turns back on, its in rice it happened about an hour ago what should i do i know people said not to charge it so it doesn't fry but anything else? Also how long should i leave it in rice? Please no rude comments like you shouldnt of left it on the table.
- My iphone is water damaged, and the incident happened about a month or two ago? So if i were to try to fix it right now by blow drying it and by putting it in rice for a few hours, would there be a chance that it would work?