How to remove installous of iPhone?
My friends boyfriend jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and untold him not to and my mums found out and she's going mental at me so i need to know how to remove it
Also there's this thing called winterbored for themes and don't know how tonremove that please could you help thanks xx
You are an idiot.
Ok first, plug your phone into a laptop with iTunes.
When iTunes pops up, find the reset button.
Click that sh*t.
Go to Cydia, then tap the manage tab and find the package you want to delete (winterboard, installous, etc.) in packages. Tap it and in the upper right corner it will say modify. Tap that then uninstall and continue.
- What can I get on installous on a Jailbroken iDevice? Books, Movies, Apps, Music Can I get them all from installous. If not then tell me some sources from were I can get them on an iPod, iPad, iPhone.
- How to download stuff from installous 5 it does nt work? I've got an iPhone 4s 5.0.1 jailbroken got cydia installous 5 the latest anyways I've got everything but when it comes to download stuff like games, apps etc. It just doesn't go or maybe I don't know how to do it so that's why I'm here that some one should Please Help ME!
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