How to remove pictures from my iphone 4s without losing them?

My iphone 4s was synced with my laptop which was stolen, my wife has a laptop and i would like to remove the pictures from my iphone & put them on her laptop with her pics without losing my iphone pics or the pics she has on her laptop. How do i do this or did apple only focus on the hard things and bypass the simple stuff.these pics are NOT the camera roll pics.

Added (1). I have about 6000 pics so was looking for something simpler than email. As for the icloud thing how do i retreive them from icloud to pc. I'm not very familar with icloud.

Added (2). I have about 6000 pics so was looking for something simpler than email. As for the icloud thing how do i retreive them from icloud to pc. I'm not very familar with icloud.

Sync them to your photo stream on I cloud and then delete them from the phone its self.

Email the pictures to your wife, so she can download the pictures as an attachment on her laptop.