How to sync music from your computer to your iphone 4?

Just got my iphone4 and i'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to sync music from my pc to my iphone? Is there such a way?

Make sure you have iTunes installed because that's the best way to transfer music. Download songs into your iTunes library and make sure all the songs have a check mark to the left of them. This means that the songs will sync. Next plug in your iPhone 4 and it will pop up on iTunes. Click on the iPhone and on the bottom you will see a sync button. Press it and your phone will start syncing your whole iTunes library. Hope it helps.

Just go to iTunes, and plug in your iphone to your pc. Wait til you see your phone pop up on the side bar. Then, assuming you have music already in your itunes library, highlight the songs in your librarry, and drag them to your phone (on the side bar.

If you don't get this, go on youtube

For USB syncing which is most recommended cause faster follow these steps:

Step 1: connect your iPhone to computer

Step 2: fire up com and iTunes

Step 3: click on your iPhone for iTunes setting of the iPhone

Step 4: press the sync button on the page and sit back

For Wi-Fi syncing here's a website to help you with that it's a little bit more complicated