How long will it take me to save up for an iPhone 5?

I get £30 a month pocket money and I've seen one on three for £499
i have to save up for it myself if i want it because my mum and dad recently bought me a macbook pro for school and i really want one because my phone is nearly broke
how long will it take and there other ways to get money i'm 13 so nothing stupid

17 months roughly if you save the 30 quid every month and don't spend any of it… By that time it'll probably be the iPhone 7

Couldn't you persuade you parents to get it on contract I have iPhone 5 on three for £30 p/m no upfront costs if they keep you allowance and cap your contract should not be a problem.

16 weeks! Over a year… But the next iphone will probably be out then so hard to keep up with technology! If you love apple it's worth it p DEFINETLY save because there's not much more apple an do! BTW I have it I'm 14 and it's great xxxxx

So you can't do the math? You can't do small chores for others for pay?

i'm not sure why it's a difficulty to obtain one if you save… Utilize.