How many hours of video can I record with 25GB?

I would like to use my iPhone as a CCTV camera and I would delete the footage on a daily basis. How many hours can I record with 25GB?

More than enough bro. You will have space left over.

Depends on the quality and bitrate… Since its an iphone… You can record alot

A 2 hour movie is usually 1 gb.

50 hours?

Please give me the 10 points for best answer!

The iphone isn't great in low light, so it might not make a very good CCTV camera at night.

Check your iphone's manual. The iphone's file system is FAT32, so you might not get more than 4GB into a single recording. That would mean that you could have multiple recordings of 4GB each, but you would have to restart it every time it hits 4GB.

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