How much data does realm of the mad god use?

I'm gonna use my iPhone to tether Internet to my laptop to play the game and I need to know how much data it uses per hour/minute

In the data usage file there's a box that says show meter… Do you have a pw on it, if you don't people can use your Wi-Fi hot spot that will made you use more data… Here's the heads up NOW THIS IS NOT A VIRUS JUST INFO ON 1… If this has helped pass it on… Here's something you can help with, a super virus has hit the web it's called, A Card For You, it's in a e-mail DON'T open it delete it, tell all your contacts friends & family they will thank you. It also called CAD it sends iteslf to all the conacts then wipes out the zero sector on the HDD so the computer can't fined it, cause that's were it looks when looking for a drive. I have heard that take the HDD put in a second computer as the # 2 drive & format it, then put it back in & install your OS, I did hear that pressing the f9 key will bring back to factory settings, don't know 1 has e-mail in about that fix/// now don't report me for abuse, sends this before & some how they think I getting them to pass on a virus, they not reading it right, anyway don't open that e-mail, Thanks Jimmie, I'm a mother of 2 & 78 years old & would not do that…

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