How much data should I get for my iphone 4s?

I want to get an iphone 4s for my birthday in november, but I need to know what data plan/how much data to get for it. I never send emails but I do receive about 3 or 4 a day, I'm on facebook alot, but I have Wi-Fi at home so I wouldnt need to use data at home or at friends houses and I'm not gone thatt much. I use youtube occasionally.about a few times a week and i would not be homes using the prolly use it at cheer practice where this is no Wi-Fi. I also am a HUGE texter but i don't know if that has anything to do with data and almost all of my friends have iphones. I think thats about it.Oh and id prolly use pandora a bit as well. Thats about it tho other than twitter and instagram which i'm not on that much.

Use Verizon's data calculator and estimate each activity:

1gb is the best.