How much do you pay for the IPhone on Verizon?
So My Birthday is this month! And i'm thinkin about gettin the IPhone 4s. I was woundering about how much would i have to pay each month? Because with the share everyhthing plan it costs $99.99 with the 2-year plan. I'm kinda new to all this it going to be my first time with Verizon and i don't want to pay too much because my mom thinks that it will just be a waste of money! Lol And i heard sumthin about paying for minutes yeah yhu can tell i'm new at this so please explain! Lol Thank you!
~~~~~~~~~~~~felling dumb now~~~~~~~~~~~
Well if you don't want to pay a lot of money buy it unlocked and get a prepaid plan, the phone will be more pricey but the plans are better
Just check Verizon for prices or chat with an accociate on the site its not that hard…
Well the phone itself is gonna be over $200 plus activation $30, data plans $100, minutes & texting (around $100)
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