How much does 16gb hold in the iPhone 4?

I want to know how much music pictures apps 16gb holds? My phone just like blew up and my mom doesn't want to pay 200 dollars for a phone when around Christmas rumors have been heard about the iPhone 6 so would the iPhone 4 16gb last me until Christmas when I can get the iPhone 5 or 6?

Added (1). IPhone 5s not six sorry

Iphone 5 have overheating problems. I have one and it sucks big time

First things first? IPhone 6? Don't you mean iPhone 5s? Anyway. IPhone 4 16gb contains up to about 2000 songs with 30 odd apps. I'm guessing really. 8GB is about 2000 songs with 20 Apps. Just think for a bit, by looking at what other phones can hold and do.

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