How much is an iphone 4s for Sprint?

I'm already on a plan for Sprint. The phone i have doesn't work right i went to get it fixed they said nothing was wrong when clearly there's. I can't upgrade until next year unfortunately but if i was to go to the Sprint store and buy an iphone 4s and switch to that phone would they let me do that? And does anyone know how much a iphone 4s is for Sprint. Thanks.

Added (1). Uhmm no lol

Added (2). And that didn't answer my question

How much is iPhone? Too much worth spending on it when you could get a Way better phone like the GS3! DOWN WITH APPLE!

Would they let you switch?
Probably not. You are in a contract with the phone you have now.

You'd have to cancel the existing contract & then buy the 4S with a new 2 year contract in order to do so. Its $99 for the contract, but not sure of the termination fee for the contract.