How much should I buy a used iPhone 4s for? - 1
My friend might be getting the iPhone 5 for chrismas and she said she might sell it to me ir she gets it but she didny say how much it's in good condition she's had it since June 2012 how much would it be an okay price if she were to sell It to me not sure about the gigabytes Hm anyways, thanks guys excuse my bad grammar
I bought mine new for $200 when I upgraded my contract with Verizon. You'll have to pay an activation fee most likely (which I think is about $30) so factor that into how much you're willing to spend. Considering it's very new I'd say anywhere from $100-150 is a great deal, since you'll have a hard time finding one on E-Bay for less than $200.
You can ask your friend to say a price ^^
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