How much will my iPhone 4S be worth in 2 years?

If still looks like new and well taken care of?

Maybe $50. At the most.

Probably around 100 bucks.


By the time 2 years passes the iPhone 6 or 5S might come out and due to the fact that Apple upgrades the phone every 2 years. The iPhone 4 is free and they decreased the 4S price… I'd say it'll be free.

Nothing at all. By 2 years they will probably have like iphone 5s and 6 and 6s already out.

By the time you pa it off, assuming you are on a 'plan', you will have not only paid more than double what the phone costs to buy outright, but it will not be worth anything. Have fallen into the same trap a couple of times - once for myself and once for my kid. Never again. Just not worth it. Wait 6-8 months after a new release and you can by it new for less than half the original price - and the price just keeps going down!

4allpups has it right. Your new iPhone 4S is already outdated since it is only capable of running at 3G speeds. Right now, you can buy an iPhone 4S used for about $200 in like new condition. In another 2 years, yeah, probably still a market for it in the $50-100 range because it is an iPhone, but that is it.

As an aside, if you were to buy a used one, and use it on what I use (Solavei), you will only be coming out miles ahead in the money you save as the cost of service is only $49/month for UNLIMITED talk/text/web at 4G speeds (sorry, only 3G for the iPhone 4/4S) and you can save even more by just talking with people about your phone like you already do. To compare this to AT&T, they will give you one for free, but it is just a way to lock you into their plan so that you can then be charged $90/month.So, in 5 months, you will be equal with Solavei. Another 19 months (the term of your contract), Solavei will have saved you a total of $760. "Yeah," you say, "but the service is garbage, right?" Not at all, Solavei is partnered with T-Mobile and AT&T to give you one of the best and most complete networks in the US.


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