How should I end this paragraph?

The magazine article that I have chosen is titled "5 Benefits of a Thinner iPhone with In-Cell Display Technology" from Time magazine. The article was written by Matt Peckham. In the article, Matt talks to the readers about the new technology in the new iPhone and the benefits of having this new iPhone. The technology that he talks about is called "in-cell," which refers to the location of the sensors in the phone's screen. One of the benefits that the author mentions is that the new iPhone will have improved screen imaging. Matt says that the in-cell technology "would eliminate a significant layer in the light-to-retina equation, theoretically improving the clarity of images and text with or without an optional aftermarket protective layer." Another benefit would be more space for a larger battery. "Today's iPhone boasts up to eight hours of talk time on 3G, 14 hours on 2G, up to 200 hours of standby time, up to six hours of Internet use on 3G (up to nine on Wi-Fi), up to 10 hours of video playback and up to 40 hours of audio playback." A larger battery would lead to more battery life in the iPhone so you can enjoy your iPhone more.

This is what I wrote and I'm having a hard time figuring out what to be my closing sentence. The prompt was to discuss the main idea of a magazine article and 2 details from the text to support the main idea.

Overall, the benefits of the thinner iPhone out weigh the current iPhone's capability.
Something like that. Hope i helped!

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