How to afford to move out?
I need out of my parents house NOW i can't stand it here anymore. It's too toxic. I'm 27, I have a full time job. I only make $1,597 a month (No I can't ask for a raise because they don't give raises). My credit is excellent. But I can't afford the land, the trailer or the downpayment and the depression is eating at me daily to were it's getting worse. I can't wait anymore. The house is $119,000, the land is $8500 but my bills are in the way. I pay $100 a month in gas for my car, $110 a month for entertainment, $387.18 a month for my car note and $60 a month for my phone, my parents pay my phone bill but I'm paying off the physical phone as I upgraded to an Iphone x max as little while ago. I don't really want a roommate because I can't stand other people's annoying habits and I have some expensive collectables and I have trust issues with people. I just can't live here anymore, it's putting a strain on everything in my life including my mental and physical health. What do I need to do? I can't wait another second. Help ME Please
Added (1). I make $12.20 an hour and I couldn't handle a second job because the hours at my job are set, and I work afternoons to Evenings/night so getting a second job wouldn't even be possible
You can't afford a house on a $10 an hour job. You'll have to rent an apartment like thousands of others your age, and possibly get a second job. Get some more skills so you can find a job that pays more.
A second job will help in several ways. It brings in more money. It keeps you from spending money because you are busy working all the time, plus it gets you away from the house for more hours. Spend every waking moment trying to earn a buck.
Get married, then have children. Airbnb, Price line.
You can only afford about $450 a month for rent or maybe a little more for a house payment.
A $120k house is a pipedream. You may have trouble renting an apartment for $450 a month without a prior rental history.
You may have to learn to live with toxic. Or live in the ghetto.
You were an IDIOT to take out a car loan for that much.
You've been an adult for nine years, live rent-free with your parents, have no savings and owe $400/month on a car?
What on God's green earth have you been doing with $1500/month for the past nine years?
And why after nine years of rent-free life do you not have the job skills to earn more than $12/hour?
You work evenings and weekends. FFS go to school in the mornings. Get yourself an education. Learn a skilled trade.
OMG I just want to literally slap people sometimes - and especially their parents.
You will have to consider sharing or renting just a room in someone's home. You can't afford your own place anywhere in the country. Get looking and find a place near public transportation.
If you can't afford to buy anywhere, you'll need to find somewhere you can afford to rent.
As an adult you have to start making smart choices and you have to 'cut your cloth' according to what you can afford… So you may 'want' to buy but you can't afford to, you may wish to live alone, but again you can't afford to, you may wish to have more money but as you keep 'upgrading' and spending on unnecessary items, putting barriers in the way like 'can't' get another job and 'employer' doesn't give rises… So it comes down to you and your spending habits… You will need to prioritise needs and WANTS and stop getting wants and save instead
You are 27 not 67, you have a job with set hours, so KNOW what hours you could work in a second job… It would keep you busy and away from home and allow you to save… So stop putting barriers in the way, go find another source of income and then you can move on with your 'wants'
Skip the 110.00 for entertainment, and voila you just became $110.00 richer.
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