How to block unknown numbers on my iPhone

This blocked number has called me over 30 times in the last 10 minuets, and it's annoying complete *** out of me is there a way that I can block it myself?

You have to contact your cell phone carrier, as there's no setting on the iPhone. Only certain carriers can block numbers. But an alternative would be to save the number as a contact, and name that contact something like "Blocked". Hope this helped.

I'm sorry to hear about your inconvenience. But don't be upset. You can simply refer this problem to your telephone service provider and have them check on the call based on the time and date you received it. The caller's phone number may not have appeared on your caller ID but it would definitely show in the telephone company's database. You can have the caller blocked but most importantly, report the caller's phone number to and raise a warning.

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