How to buy a phone with not job?(sorry about my bad english)?
I'm 17 and my mom won't buy me a phone i'm telling her i be needing to contact her and tell her things and where i'm going after school and anything could happen i even told her it could be a trac phone just to call and text and she's still saying no like wtf? I sometimes need to contact my friends about things and when i don't go to school about homework and plus my school is starting to put everything on technology we rarely use textbooks so all of my homework is on google classroom or my teacher would put it on remind or i could contact her about if i had i phone i really need one i seen a decent phone for about 84 dollars it was a used iphone 5c and right now i've been using this site called swagbucks and so far i earned 41 dollars i still need 60 dollars to cash out a 100 dollar visa giftcard i asked my mom if she could just pay 30 and i would pay 54 and she said no i've been applying to jobs for 2 months no responces i even tried to call a couple of mcdonalds and burger kings around my house none are hiring at the moment i also want to add that my mom barley buys me anything i've been scraping up money to buy my own clothes and anything else i need and i'm tried of it i scraped up 100 dollars last year to buy me a phone and someone end up stealing it it took me so long to earn for it but i did it sorry for rambling i know this is a mess but back to the question i'm just really stressed out she barley gets me anything how can i buy the phone i need 84 dollars
Added (1). 1. Go fund me sucks unless your actually popular ill probably get about 3 dollars…
2. I can buy a phone where i live at 17
3. I'm doing something i'm using a site to earn money currently have 42 dollars, applying for 2 jobs everyday, asking around for jobs and no one is hiring or need helps and i don't live around elderly people.
Save up
You either have to earn it doing something, or do without until you can raise the money. It doesn't have to happen right now, work on it and when you can afford it get one. Not having a phone is not the end of the world. Also, do you need to pay for minutes and texting? That adds up fast.
If you're in the US, you can't buy a cell phone until you're 18. But if not. Then just save up. Ask neighbors if they need their lawns mowed or cars washed or something.
How about a GoFundMe Page. You're looking to do your homework and can't vecause you don't have the right tools to get it done. And in case you don't know what this is about, it's asking people to contribute to a cause that's needed and people actually give money to it. If that doesn't work, offer yourself out to older people/neighbors to help them out, maybe do their shopping or wash their cars for a fee. Which is probably is a more decent way of earning the cash you need than asking for charity. Give it a shot and good luck
How about a GoFundMe Page. You're looking to do your homework and can't vecause you don't have the right tools to get it done. And in case you don't know what this is about, it's asking people to contribute to a cause that's needed and people actually give money to it. If that doesn't work, offer yourself out to older people/neighbors to help them out, maybe do their shopping or wash their cars for a fee. Which is probably is a more decent way of earning the cash you need than asking for charity. Give it a shot and good luck
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