How to check remaining data on an o2 iphone 4 contract?
I have an iphone 4 on an o2 contract, how do i check the reamining data allowance, i have unlimitied texts and don't use my minutes so they are alright and i know to text 21202 with a blank message and i get those through but i don't get my remaining data?
So how do i check my remaining data? I don't have an o2 account cos it's under my dad's name
Settings->general-> usage. This should tell you how much you have left.
Wrong text, wrong number.
How do I check my remaining Bolt On & tariff allowance on Pay & Go?, Kb=Companion, question=ref%28User%29:str%28Mobile%29, CASE=20596
"You can send a SMS with the word "balance" to 20202"
or you can key (should be programmed into the card./ directory)
or key *#10# (SEND)
you can always login inot your My Account on the O2 webpage and it will show it exactly.
my understanding is that you only need am email address to create the account and then add the Phone No (if it is not already set) - it sends a text to the phone with a number to verify it is you.
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