How to clear sync list in Itunes?

I was trying to add some music to a friends Iphone and I selected to many files, now I can't even add anything because the sync list is to big to fit on the phone, it just says that it can't sync there isn't enough room every time i try. I have tried clearing sync history, that didn't work, someone must know how to get this sorted, please help

When viewing the apps on your iDevice in iTunes, you can check and uncheck apps from the Sync Apps list to add or remove them from your iDevice when you sync next. If there are apps listed that you know you'll never return to, you'll notice that there's no way to delete them from this list.
2. If you click Apps under the Library header in the left panel of iTunes, however, you'll be able to permanently delete apps, removing them entirely from iTunes. Highlight an app's icon or a group of icons by holding down Shift and hit the delete key (or select Edit > Delete from the top menu or right-click on an icon and selecting delete).
A window will pop up, asking you if you are sure you want to delete the selected apps. If you are certain of your intentions, click the Delete Apps button.
(Credit: Matt Elliott)
3.Now, when you return to the apps pane in iTunes to sync your phone, you'll see that the apps you deleted are no longer listed. And if you deleted an app that is currently installed on your iDevice, it will be removed upon your next sync.
Wanted to how learn how to Investigate Any Mobile, Landline or Unlisted Phone Number.

Hope this a help!
God bless!