How to copy and paste pictures into ipad/iphone from itunes?
I can copy paste the songs and the videos and movies but i can't copy paste pictures…
Tap and hold down on the photo until
the "Copy" option pops up. Select copy.
Go to email, begin typing your message,
tap and hold down in the body of the
message until the "paste" option pops up
- and then select paste.
- Why Can't I Paste Files Into My iPhone? So I have a nonjailbroken iPhone 4 that has GBA4iOS. Putting my gb/gbc files were okay, but iTunes or iFunBox is not letting me put gba files into the app. I'm putting them in the Documents folder, but in iTunes, it says that I don't have permission and in iFunBox it does absolutely nothing. One at a time doesn't work, nor does dragging them all. Am I missing something here, or does Apple have a problem?
- Photoshop: Can I copy and paste a zoomed in picture? I have a basic picture with a tile arrangement, like the one found here I want to copy and paste the design and use it as a background layer in a project. Except, of course, when I expand it the tiles come up blurry and pixelated. But if I zoom in on the tile arrangement, it looks just fine and it can fit in my project. Is there any way to make it the right size without sacrificing quality? I was thinking using a cloning method? Is there a way to just copy and paste the zoomed in image?
- IPHONE4s - I want app to copy image (as clipboard) and paste in notebook? I want to create story with picture in iphone. But i got problem to copy image in clip board and paste in note book. But i can copy from Camera Roll only. I have 3000+ pictures in it. It is difficult to find out my perfect photo every time.roll down again and again… Seriously i download some apps from store. But i can just arrange photos but can't copy them. Please guys, if you know any software for me.let me know… Thanks
- IPhone Copy paste notes? I copy and pasted an image but I can't seem to type under it. And every time I type everything goes above the image. How can I type under it and keep that going?