How to delete photos on iphone5 they were sent to the phone by itunes?

Asked sales help to transfer photos to iphone from htc evo. He used itunes and only a few pics went to iphone; copied some. I connected to my pc to delete same photos but added more from pc that i don't want on iphone. What can i do. It seems only photo that can be deleted are ones shot with iphone camera. Surely, APPLE is not this lame? Every phone i've ever had could pick and choose what files to add or delete from a pc.

Delete the pictures from ITUNES not your phone and then your phone will sync the deleted photos off

Yes they r that lame. You can only delete them while connected to a PC while using itunes to delete them.

Yes Apple products needs Itunes and you have to delete from Itunes not from your phone.
You need to sync all your data for transferring from phone to computers and vice versa. If your photos are not deleted then try using new Itunes version.

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