How to fix my phone from that iphone glitch?

How to fix my phone from that iphone glitch? - 1

You simply can't fix it on your own, but you can wait for Apple to update it, or even take the initiative to write Apple about it.

You might be able to web search the symptoms of your glitch and find a thread on Apple or Phone company's website in the forums from other people with same problem.
You may even find a how to video on YouTube that shows how to fix it,
It would hurt to click edit and add info and type what the symptoms of this glitch are.

If you're talking about the one that turns your phone on and off, and won't allow you to enter your messages, simply go into your photo library and send a photo to the person who sent you the virus text message, or get them to text you.
Sometimes this doesn't work and you may need to wait for an IOS update or reset your phone

Ask Siri to "read unread messages." Use Siri to reply to the malicious message. After you reply, you'll be able to open Messages again. If the issue continues, tap and hold the malicious message, tap More, and delete the message from the thread.

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