How to fix unsupported sim error on iphone 3gs ios 6 for t-mobile?
So i was facing a problem on my iphone 3gs and was forced to restore it to and my jailbreak and unlock where taken off… I tried to rejailbreak and reunlock my phone… Using redsn0w. I did jailbreak it and followed all the instructions to unlock it but i'm still getting the unsupported sim error on itunes and it says "no service"… I can't even download music or movies on it through itunes… But i have gotten past the activation screen… Yet its still not accepting my sim from t-mobile… Also i was told that my jailbreak and unlock is tethered and everytime my phone dies i wouldnt be able to turn it on until i reboot it or else it would be stuck on the apple logo but today i was able to turn it
on without having to reboot it…
also… The redsn0w don't allow me to download cydia and it says its not avalible for ios6… Can somebody please help with a link to a tutorial that really does work or any thing please…
Call att to unlock. There's no other way on ios 6
For more information about cydia and jailbreak tweaks, tutorials and more visit this website: http//
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