How to get a job at age 13?

I'm at the "In the middle" age, I'm too old to open a lemonade stand, but too young to get a job in a corner shop. My mum said I'm too young to babysit or get a paper round because I'm quite small for my age so it would be dangerous. I agree with her. My 12/yo sister has a job selling her art online and is making a fortune, I can't do this as this isn't one of my special skills.

The reason I want a job is so I can save up for an iPhone 6 which my parents can't afford because they have to pay rent, bills, food etc.

Also I'm from the UK if that helps.

Don't give up on minding children. At this age, you could be a Mother's helper, watching a toddler while the mother is there doing washing, cleaning, or internet business. Or perhaps you would do the dishes or laundry or chores while she spends time with her child.

"I'm too old to open a lemonade stand" You are reading roo much American nonsense, since when EVER did kids open " lemonade stands" in the UK, answer NEVER, with H&S/ Food laws it is illegal… Ask your family and neighbours about jobs they might need doing that they would pay you to do… Like washing the car as 99% of employers will not want a 13yr old working for them as there are too many legal restrictions

Hmm, but how are you at painting objects such as baskets or wood vases or wood candlesticks? Right now on youtube is a lady who goes to thrift stores/secondhand/charity shops and buys old but still good baskets, wood candlesticks, and old wood breadboxes and such. She paints them with white milk paint, and sells them in a shop. I don't know about UK but here in California we have antique malls that have spaces for rent where you can have your re-painted goods for sale and the antique mall proprietor mans the cash register for selling items but credits your account sales. You can then rent a space, decorate nicely, and bring your re-painted or refurbished items to sell in the space. You need not be present to sell the items, you do need to replenish your inventory over time as items sell. What to sell? I will include a link to a couple youtube videos of the lady who goes "thrifting" shopping with $20 and buys items she knows she can paint, and then marks up the price to sell in her shop. A plain brown basket she buys for $2 US, she paints it and sells it in her shop for $15 US. You could do the same. ALSO --- get a magnet and some good rope. Tie the magnet real well to the rope. Toss the magnet in the local canal and go "magnet fishing" and see what treasures you find! I hear they find all sorts in the canals under the bridges.

@ 13 you can:
Be a dog walker
A mother's helper
You can do yard work
You can wash cars, clean houses.

Accept a job performing as "the world's smallest trapeze artist" with the next circus that comes through your home town. Travel with the circus for a few years and learn how to train lions and elephants to do tricks aside from your regular job.

Youth football referee.