How to get a refund from the App Store for iPhone?
I bought a song from the iTunes Store but I forgot to select the ringtone them I ended up buying the song? Is there anyway I can get a refund?
They send you a receipt of your purchase to your email. Go to the email and click on the link that says "report a problem". Explain what happened and Apple will get back to you. They usually give refunds but it's not always possible
- QUICK Help! How to refund app? Help! I had an itunes gift card and registered it. Then, I downloaded a Minecraft App on my parents iphone and just went back to make sure it was taken from my balance. IT WASN'T! It was 6.99 and my parents only have 5 dollars on the account! Help! Please! Edit: Oh NVM. Thanks God! It appears the app store on the iphone didn't update the balance quick enough. I went to itunes on my computer, and it WAS subtracted. WHEW! Almost had a mini heart attack
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