How to get an aux radio into a 2004 dodge Dakota?

I want to be able to play my iPhone through my truck, and I have no Idea how to do this, I understand I could get one of those audio fm players, and that there's a replacement with the only difference being the audio jack, but could I put a Pro Spec MILMR380 in there somehow? Is there something similar or some adaption that I must make? Again I have no idea so anything would help

Yep put this in your cassette tape slot, and plug into your iphone.

This I know. The vehicle is a Dodge Dakota. I'm marvel as to how many incorrect ways to list vehicles kids manage to come up with. Very simple. There are proper names. Please do so. Next, I know that there audio specialists that provide professional services such as you require. Car audio systems are linked to the electrical system to prevent or minimize theft. I know this. All sentences require a punctuation mark at the end. For some unknown reason kids think that the last sentence of any message does not need one. Please, tell all of your friend AND please, write correctly. All sentences require a punctuation mark. Conclusion, you need to pay more attention to English grammar when you write anything and everything and that you need the services of an auto audio shop. Kids that try to do anything related to a car radio without knowing what they are doing end up with serious car issues. Serious means expensive. Go find one.

You can get an aux adapter for your vehicle. You can also change the radio.

Youtube in the car audio section try(installing an aftermarket stereo into 2004 Dodge Dakota). If not they have any car audio install you can think of on video, why wait 4 day's for an answer when you can watch a video on anything that interests you.