How to get iphone through metal detector?

I have to take care of my grandmother sometimes so i always need to have my phone on me incase she calls but my job doesn't seem to care yet they let another guy have his and his excuse was he doesn't want to leave it in the car. I go on my bike 6 miles every night.
My question to you is how can i pass my phone through a metal detector without setting it off.
i would just put it in my gloves and slide it through the side but that won't always work.
NOTE: they also use scanning rods.

i'm willing to accept any punishment i may get but this is important to me. So no stupid answers just put yourself in my position and how you would do it.

If it is a condition of your employment that you do not bring a phone in, I don't see how we can help you. You need to talk to your manager. Your grandmother is not going to be grateful if you lose your job.

I can understand your problem, as I had to care for someone who was very sick and went through alot of grief with my past job because I kept taking phone calls from them. To pass something through a metal detector, very tough though. I suggest try having a calm talk with your boss about it. By this I mean not giving them any grief for not letting you have you phone. Just calmly tell him the reason, and that because of your family situation you need to be aware of anything that happens with your grandmother. Bosses are people too. Many will allow something like that if you ask nicely, and explain how it will not affect your work. If they do agree, be sure he doesn't catch you using it for another reason.

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