How to get music on my iPhone?

I got an iPhone 5s recently and I really don't want to have to pay to download my favourite songs.
How can I get free music, preferably without using a music app? Do I need iTunes?

You can stream free music using apps like Spotify. If you want to download them then you will need to buy them on iTunes.

Through itunes

That technically is illegal. It's like the digital equivalent of going into a store and stealing CDs.

You can always get free songs online, but we can't tell you how, you just have to figure it out yourself.

If you want to do it legally, you'd need to buy the songs, or subscribe to a music streaming service, like Pandora, Spotify, etc.

Also, with iPhones, you have to use iTunes to transfer your music/media to the phone. With Apple, it's their way or the highway.