How to get my computer and iTunes to recognize my iPhone?
I just got a new desktop computer for Christmas. The brand is Gateway. I wanted to add music to my iPhone 4 (iOS 5) so i
downloaded iTunes. My computer won't recognize my iPhone but my phone does charge, so the usb does work.iTunes won't even recognize my iPhone. How do i fix it?
You can do any or all of the following:
1. Update your itunes to the latest version.
2. Restart your iPhone.
3. Recharge your iPhone(Not via computer).
4. Check your USB connection(Try all your usb ports if it will work)
5. Reinstall iTunes.
6. Restart your computer.
7. Antivirus/Security Software on your computer might be preventing your iPhone to access iTunes.
- Why won't my new computer recognize that my iPhone is plugged in? I recently got a new computer, but all of my information for my iPhone is on my old computer. When I plug up my iPhone to my computer, it doesn't register that it is plugged in. Nothing is wrong with my charger and nothing is wrong with my computer. I don't know what to do to get my information from my iPhone onto my new computer and to my iTunes.
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- My computer doesn't recognize my iPhone? I have an HP. I want to get my computer to detect my device so I can put a bunch of songs on my phone. It's really frustrating, I know this is a very common issue for alot of people, and there's so many people to claim to have solutions, but nothing works! When I got into device manager, there's no "Apple Mobile Device USB driver" there, is this is an issue? That thing had something to do with one of the solutions I read. What do I do? It's very annoying.