How to get rid of itunes error code -1 trying to restore my iphone?
I'm trying to restore my iPhone through iTunes first have to set my phone in restore mode in order to access iTunes iTunes detects my phones then asks to restore I say yes the process begins but does not complete gives error code -1I need help to fix this.
Error code 1 or -1 means there's a hardware issue with the device and need to be looked at by a certified technician
- Trying to restore jailbroken iPhone 4, getting Itunes error 3194 and error 11 I want to wipe my jailbroken iphone 4, on ios 5, so i can update to ios 7. I used tiny umbrella and managed to get past the 3194 error, but then I'm getting error 11. I have tried to erase and reset through the phone only, but it simply shows an endless loading ticker, and not the apple logo and loading bar. How can I reset my phone? Thank you for anyone who can help! I also have the latest itunes
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