How to get rid off error 3194?

I have an iphone 4. Now i forgot the passcode and put it in too many times. Now it is disabled. It says iphone is disabled connect to itunes. I tried changing the host files. It didn't work. The computer i synced it with is messed up so it can't sync.each time i try to restore with my other computer i get error 3194.

Why are you in computer security asking about your phucking phone?

1. Update to the latest version of iTunes. (Download at Source 'link 1')

2. Third-party security software or router security settings can also cause this issue. (Go to Source 'link 2')

3. Downgrading to a previous version of iOS is not supported. If you have installed software to performunauthorized modifications to your iOS device, that software may have redirected connections to the update server ( within the Hosts file. Uninstall the unauthorized modification software from the computer. (For more info go to Source 'link 3')

4. Edit out the "" redirect from your hosts file, and then restart the computer for the host file changes to take affect. For steps to edit the Hosts file and allow iTunes to communicate with the update server, see iTunes: Troubleshooting iTunes Store on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod-follow steps under the heading Blocked by configuration (Mac OS X / Windows) > Rebuild network information > The hosts file may also be blocking the iTunes Store. If you do not uninstall the unauthorized modification software prior to editing the hosts file, that software may automatically modify the hosts file again on restart. (For more info go to Source 'link 4')

5. Avoid using an older or modified.ipsw file. Try moving the current.ipsw file (see Advanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations), or try restoring in a new user to ensure that iTunes downloads a new.ipsw.

When it still doesn't work I advice you to buy a new cable at your local apple store because 3194 is a connection ERROR, and it seems like multiple people on forms have resolved there problem by changing there Phone>PC connection cable.

If this also doesn't work I advice you to go to your local Apple store and ask for personalized advice

Hope this helped you and good luck

Personal opinion and advice: "On your next phone purchase consider buying an other brand, I would advice Samsung since I have all 3 Galaxy generations and haven't had any throuble with them.

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