How to get the cool emojis now that I have the iPhone 5?

So now that I just got the iPhone 5. I want the cool emojis! I heard the iphone 5 has cooler and more emojis that the iphone 4… Like how do I get them all? Not just smileyfaces but all the holiday ones and every symbol and icons that people have?

Which app is it that I get or do you suggest? And are they free… Can someone please direct me how? Thanks so much

Added (1). I did search now there are so many different options… Which one is the one that you recommend that most ppl have n rly cute ones. Like not just basic smileys but all the others cute symbols like pumpkins, trees, pics of food, etc

Search "Emoji" in the app store and download any one.

You don't need a app for this as an emoji keyboard is installed with the international keyboards. Go to setting>general>keyboard>Keyboards>add new keyboards> Emoji and you're set! To use this while typing click the small globe located on the lower left hand corner on you keyboard and you'll find hundreds of them. To go back just click the globe again and you'll be back to the main keyboard.

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