How to get videos off of the videos app and onto my camera roll?

I've been trying to get a video off of my computer and onto my phone, but when I finally felt like I got it, it turns out the video I want is stuck in the "videos" app that comes with the iPhone. It isn't in my camera roll, and by what I can see, there's no simple way to transfer it into my camera roll. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

You can't transfer straight from video to camera roll. You'll have to use iTunes to do it, and I hope you still can--this might not be possible on it any more. Once they go to PC via iTunes sync they become mp4 files. That's why when you put them back on the phone they divert to videos and not camera roll.
Try this and hope it works.
Connect your iPhone to your computer.
Launch iTunes
Select your device on the left panel.Click 'Photos' and check the 'Sync Photos from' box.
Choose the folder where your video is saved. (i.e. My Pictures)
Check the box that says 'Include videos'
Click 'Sync'.

If that's not an option any longer then you will have to find a third part app to install them to camera roll.
Best luck.

Not to mention it probably isn't the right format to view in the iphone so the iphone play doesn't understand what it is

You don't. The Camera Roll is a storage place for video captured by the phone. It is not a place to put video captured by other devices.

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