How to listen to music on youtube without the app being open for the iPhone?
I used to be able to listen to music on YouTube without the app being open but now it won't let me because I updated the software.
There's no possible way, I wish the old youtube app was still available!
Put on a song on YouTube and hit the 'Sleep' button. Double tap the home button twice, where you're still on your lock screen, and press the play button. If your update is different, find a way to play your music while still on the lock screen, and then unlock your iPhone. Hit the home button once and then hit the sleep button again, and then press play from the lock screen. Unlock your iPod and there you go!
- What's a free app that lets you download music and listen to it without Wi-Fi? I need an app that I can download music for free, then watch it later without Wi-Fi. Also, it would be great if it doesn't take up too much space on my phone. (I have an iPhone 5s)
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- What app can you use to download music to and listen without Wi-Fi or service? Ok I have an iPhone 5S and I just did the ios8 update and to do that I deleted my ITube app because it look up a lot of storage and I was just going to re download it. Well now it isn't on the app store anymore, all I can find is ones that require Wi-Fi or service which I don't want. Any other apps? I don't want to use iTunes.